List of listings
- 1.simple_example
- 2.verbose_c
- 3.verbose_refactored_c
- 5.ms2000
- 6.buffer_c
- 7.enum_c
- 8.query_php
- 9.route_php
- 10.clipboard_js
- 11.select_lines_c
- 12.select_lines_awk
- 13.game_of_life
- 14.fast_sqrt_c
- 15.circle_c
- 17.mesh_m
- 19.prolog_sample
- 20.scheme_interpreter
- 22.bubble_sort_julia
- 23.nearest_neighbor_julia
- 24.numero_mysterioso_asm
- 25.japh_perl
- 26.black_perl
- 27.prince_java
- 28.water_c
- 29.water_out
- 30.home_js
- 31.home_minified_js
- 32.clearer_method_c
- 33.is_unique_python
- 34.smr_c
- 35.factorial_c
- 36.recursion_iteration_csharp
- 37.green_unmaintainable
- 38.green_unmaintainable_2
- 39.all_the_names_of_god
- 40.all_the_outputs_of_god
- 41.floyd-warshall
- 42.nielsen_chalktalk
- 44.level_text
- 45.level_c
- 46.level_asm
- 47.level_byte
- 49.formatted_cpp
- 50.unformatted_cpp
- 51.representation
- 52.multiple_references
- 53.cynical-preamble
- 54.unhandled-love
- 55.binary-search
- 56.spatial_extension
- 57.mac_sched
- 58.nested
- 59.shutdown
- 63.hardware-separation
- 64.uncompressed
- 65.compressed
- 68.linked_list
- 69.linked_list_remove
- 70.regex
- 72.hello-ruby
- 73.hello-java
- 74.multiple-returns-go
- 75.multiple-returns-js
- 76.iterating-c
- 77.iterating-py
- 78.references-c
- 79.non_threading-go
- 80.threading-go
- 81.threading-c
- 82.range-operator
- 83.fibonacci
- 84.ruby-alive
- 85.rendering-borders
- 86.semaphore-pseudocode
- 87.pi-video-looper
- 88.self_inspect
- 89.self_inspect_output
- 90.p5-teaching
- 92.0x31
- 93.forkbomb
Aesthetic ideals in programming practices
Understanding source code
Beauty and understanding
Machine languages
- - -
List of figures
- 16.a_mind_is_born
- 18.mesh-visualization
- 21.maxwell-equations
- 43.routedesflandres
- 48.pacman-visualization
- 60.uml
- 61.pavillion
- 62.code-city
- 66.euler
- 67.linked-list
- 71.irrational-proof
- 91.folders
Aesthetic ideals in programming practices
Understanding source code
Beauty and understanding
Machine languages